lördag 7 maj 2022

Tragically, another celebrity dies of thrush.2. Drastic new prevention measures needed as thrush rates soar.3. Is your child at risk for thrush?

Tragically, another celebrity dies of thrush.2. Drastic new prevention measures needed as thrush rates soar.3. Is your child at risk for thrush?

  1. Tragically, another celebrity has died from thrush.

  2. Drastic new prevention measures are needed as thrush rates soar.

  3. Is your child at risk for thrush?

4. 6 easy tips for avoiding thrush this winter.5. Thrush: The silent epidemic

According to a study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, almost half of women will experience a yeast infection at some point in their lives, and about a third of those women will have recurrent infections. While men can also get thrush, it is much more common in women.

Candida albicans is the fungus responsible for most cases of thrush. This fungus is naturally present in the human body, but it can cause an infection if the balance of bacteria in your vagina is upset. This can happen when you take antibiotics or corticosteroids, when you're pregnant, or when your immune system is weakened.

If you're experiencing the symptoms of thrush – such as itching, burning, and soreness – there are some simple things you can do to help clear it up. Here are four easy tips for avoiding thrush this winter.

  1. Keep your genital area dry and clean

One of the best ways to avoid getting a yeast infection is to keep your genital area clean and dry. After using the bathroom, be sure to wipe from front to back to avoid spreading bacteria from your anus to your vagina. You may also want to consider using a gentle soap-free cleanser to wash yourself down there.

  1. Avoid wearing tight clothes and synthetic fabrics

Wearing tight clothes and synthetic fabrics can create a warm and moist environment that's ripe for yeast growth. So try to stick to loose-fitting pants and natural fabrics like cotton whenever possible.

  1. Change out of your wet swimsuit as soon as possible

If you go swimming, be sure to change out of your wet swimsuit as soon as possible so that your genital area doesn't get damp and sweaty. And if you work up a sweat while exercising, try changing into fresh clothes as soon as you can.

  1. Eat yogurt with live cultures every day

Eating yogurt with live cultures every day can help maintain the balance of bacteria in your vagina and may help prevent yeast infections from occurring.

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